This is the website for Grace Starr. I think this website looks very professional. Also I think the photo page is very professional and the light in the photo's is the best looking photo shoot out of any.
WWW (What went well): The photos are some of the best taken on any website.
EBI (Even better if): There was more information about the artists.
WWW: The detail, and the use of pictures to convey the genre of the song.
EBI: Some gramatical errors on the 'About' page and some pictures are blurry.
WWW: The pictures used are perfect to show the artist. There is lots of detail and tabs to look at.
EBI: There are no dates on the 'Dates' Page. The Meet Cosmo page is empty and should be filled in.
WWW: The amount of detail on the website in terms of dates, merchendise and the gallery.
EBI: On the gallery page the white text is very hard to read on the white background.
This is the website for Alleyways. It is the most complete and professional looking website. It has an art deco feel about it and it shows the look that the band are going for. The website contains lots of tabs and areas to look at and they are all detailed and professional.
WWW: The professional level achieved by the website.
EBI: The pictures are very good so more on the website would be good.
Alex Echo's website has the best homepage out of any I an analysing. The way the photos cycle through is very professional and is good because we get to see what the artists is like. The information page is very detailed and gives lots of information.
WWW: The homepage and Photo's look very professional.
EBI: The merchandise page is very empty and the pictures are blurred.
This is the website for James Couleur. This is a good website and the pictures used fit there look very well. Some of the pages are very empty and do not contain enough information. The Album and Tour pages are very empty.
WWW: The use of pictures to show the feel of the artists.
EBI: It would be a lot better if there no empty spaces and all the pages had enough information on them.
This is the website for Jaya. It is a very professional website and it is obvious what genre of music the artist is. There is lots of information and background on the website.
WWW: The professional look of the website.
EBI: Some of the pictures on the website are blurry.