Shots so far.
These are all the shots we have to far. The shots on the left are all the live performance shots as these will take up the majority of the video. All the shots of the live performance are at least 3 minutes long meaning there will be enough footage.
The middle column are the shots that we recorded in the house, here we recorded lots of shots for a montage shot we intend to put in the video. This part of the video will involve us moving around the front room. We intend to make this shot look like the band is relaxing outside the show.
The last column are shots we recorded in the road messing around. These shots will be used throughout the video to show the band messing around. This will give the viewer a more personal look into the bands life.
Editing so far.
This is how are editing is going at the moment. We feel that the first 50 seconds of the video is sorted and looks good as we have lots of cuts and variety of shots with perfect lip syncing. The problem we have is that we don't feel there is enough shots to fill the whole 4 minutes. Because of this we will be looking to do one more shoot.