Encoded Final Draft

Filming on Friday 31st October

We booked the drama studio for after school on the friday. Throughout the week we all planned the evening and decided what we were going to bring. Sam Cook brought in fairy lights for the display behind the band. We also ordered lots of confetti or ticker tape to drop on the band as they performed. Sam Cook also bought in a very big leaf blower from home. This was one of the most importants tool we used in the production as the confetti was one of the main features in the performance. We had planned to only use the drama studio for about 3 hours. When we got there and started to set up we knew that we would need alot more time to set up than we had anticipated.

Setting up included:
-Getting out all of the blackout curtains from the store cuboard and hanging them all up around the back of the performance area.
-Hanging up the large encoded. We needed to hang it off one of the large support beams that hang on the ceiling of the studio. This took alot longer than we expected as we needed to work out the lengths of the rope on each side so that the sign was level.

- The whole perormance went well it just took alot of trial and error to get it exactly how we wanted it.