Encoded Final Draft
Video Inspiration.
Royal Blood.
The band, composed of bassist/singer Mike Kerr and drummer Ben Thatcher, was formed in Worthing in 2013. On 11 November 2013, the duo released their debut single, "Out of the Black", which came with a B-side called "Come On Over". In November 2013, it was announced that Royal Blood would be supporting Arctic Monkeys for two Finsbury Park shows in May 2014. They are a duo and we really liked the style that they had in their videos and there interview. We took alot of inspiration from this and decided this was the sort of band/video we wanted to make.The Band
This is a poster of the band. The use of black and white in this is very effective because it takes away the distraction of colour. This make the viewer focus alot more on the subjects of the picture which is the artists. We really like this affect and we tried in this in many of our posters.
For the photo's that we took we thought that having just black and white would not look as good or as professional as the Royal Blood ones. For these reasons we have used the affect shown above in alot of the photo's that we have used for the Digi pack and our Posters.
There was an interview with Royal Blood at the BBC music awards. Royal Blood were explainin how both of are involved in the writing of he song. One of them is a guitarist and vocals and one is a drummer. Because they are both involved in writing the songs they both want it to look like they are singing them in the final video.
This is the stealomatic we have created as a group. This is an inspiration compilation that has all of the feature from other videos that we like. This is a very useful technique for research. Throughout taking out the research you get to look at many different techniques. Then when you have found the techniques you really like you can compile them into one video. We found this video to be very useful when we were out filming because using our smartphones we could easily look up the video and review the techniques that we wanted to recreate in our video.
Weather forecast for day of filming.
This is the weather forecast for the day that we went filming. We chose this day because it was supposed to be very clear. When went filming the first day we all thought that a lot of the shots were very dark. To not have this problem again we went to this location very early on a clear day. This worked well for us because we got there soon after the sun rose and the light was streaming through the trees. This made a lot of the shots look a lot more professional and also they looked more artistic.
First Draft
These are the first drafts for all of the groups in the year group. These are the videos that we watched for the first draft analysis. When we watched we each carried out a question created by other groups. Also we all carried out a generic questionnaire.
Encoded Photoshoot
Today we undertook our final photo shoot as part of our marketing campaign. We took a selection of images using contrasting lights and poses. To capture the images we used a Samsung Galaxy X camera which allowed us to capture some very high quality imagery. Below is a selection of the Photos taken after some editing using Photoshop software.
First draft questionnaire
These are some question that we are planning to ask people about our first draft in order to improve on it.
Do you like the song choice?
Are you male or female?
What genre is the music video?
What would you like to see improved?
Do you think it looks professional? If so why? If not why?
Would you be attracted to the album if you saw it in a shop?
Do you like the Digipak?
Do you think our music is suitable for the genre?
Do you think that the artist fits the genre and fits the video?
Are the shots steady?
Are there enough different locations in the video to not make it boring?
Is the material suitable for the genre and for the artist?
Does the video fit with media conventions?
Is there a variety of transitions and are they appropriate for the task?
Has the video used images and editing appropriatly set for the task?
What would you rate the video out of ten?
Do you like the song choice?
Are you male or female?
What genre is the music video?
What would you like to see improved?
Do you think it looks professional? If so why? If not why?
Would you be attracted to the album if you saw it in a shop?
Do you like the Digipak?
Do you think our music is suitable for the genre?
Do you think that the artist fits the genre and fits the video?
Are the shots steady?
Are there enough different locations in the video to not make it boring?
Is the material suitable for the genre and for the artist?
Does the video fit with media conventions?
Is there a variety of transitions and are they appropriate for the task?
Has the video used images and editing appropriatly set for the task?
What would you rate the video out of ten?
Encoded First draft review.
As a group we went through the entire video and heavily scrutinized it for faults. This was a very helpful thing to do as we have learnt a lot from it so we know what to do on our next photo shoot.
This was a very liked shot and needed to be slowed and shown for longer.
As a group we found this shot boring and we are planning to remove it. We felt that this song completely disrupted the entire tempo of the film and did not fit with any of the other shots that we had filmed. The rest of the video has been in close areas, for example we were indoors or there were lots of trees around. We felt that this shot was far to open and took the focus away from the singers and the lyrics.
The singer breathes in before he starts singing we didn't notice this at the time of editing so this will be changed or removed. We feel it makes this section of the video flows less and we didn't like it.
In this shot we all thought that the pan to the right was too fast and unsteady. This was a mistake made while filming because a tripod was not used. We are planning to go back to this location and film the shots again.
This is the shot that we found most needed changing out of all the shots listed. This is not shown in the picture but the shot it very unsteady and also as you can see it is very blurred. For these reasons it will removed from the final video.
With all of the above improvements made and other minor editing changes we hope that our overall mark will increase and we will be pleased with the final production.
This was a very liked shot and needed to be slowed and shown for longer.
As a group we found this shot boring and we are planning to remove it. We felt that this song completely disrupted the entire tempo of the film and did not fit with any of the other shots that we had filmed. The rest of the video has been in close areas, for example we were indoors or there were lots of trees around. We felt that this shot was far to open and took the focus away from the singers and the lyrics.
The singer breathes in before he starts singing we didn't notice this at the time of editing so this will be changed or removed. We feel it makes this section of the video flows less and we didn't like it.
In this shot we all thought that the pan to the right was too fast and unsteady. This was a mistake made while filming because a tripod was not used. We are planning to go back to this location and film the shots again.
We feel that this shot may be too boring and unsteady and for these reasons they are going to be refilmed and maybe removed from the production. Also another reason we did not like this shot it both the singers are carrying bags. This makes the video look very unprofessional and also is a major continuity error. At no other point in the video is anyone carrying a bag apart from in this shot.
This is the shot that we found most needed changing out of all the shots listed. This is not shown in the picture but the shot it very unsteady and also as you can see it is very blurred. For these reasons it will removed from the final video.
With all of the above improvements made and other minor editing changes we hope that our overall mark will increase and we will be pleased with the final production.
First draft feedback review.
The feedback we received was all very helpful and a lot of it will be taken on board and changes will be made.
Main feedback points:
A lot of the shots were unsteady. This was due to mistake made on filming location. Some shots should have been filmed using a tripod and they weren't. This was a bug mistake and has caused problems while editing.
The bike shoot is very good. this shot was very popular and was mentioned on most of the feedback sheets.
Another major point is that we used an electric guitar in the woods. This is an oversight by the band and is a major continuity error. Some people this may have impacted the woods section in a negative whereas some people said that they didn't notice.
Lots of people did find that they didn't like how there were 2 people singing to only one vioce. We are planning to solve this by recording someone singing the song and playing it over the top of the original song. This will make it sound as if there is 2 people singing the song and will make the video look a lot more professional.
Average marks:
Filming Risk assesment.
While on location filming we all take safety very seriously. So to be prepared we asses all of the potential hazard and plan for all circumstances. Because of this thorough preparation when an accident does occur we are prepared. In order to carry out the filming safely and responsibly we carried out this risk assessment. This risk assessment is for a wood location so it can potentially be very dangerous.
Website Planning and Construction
Website Planning and Construction
In order to help raise the profile of the band and contribute to the accessibility of the group during the marketing campaign we have produced a website accessible to the fans and the public.
Each Page of the website has been designed very specifically to tie in with the desired themes of the group as well as to make them as appealing as possible. Below I have highlighted each stage of the planning and design process as well as the constructions that have taken place. We used the website design program 'WIX' to construct our actual website domain and area. This program allowed us to achieve the exact plan that we desired after doing some further research into the program to uncover the various features it had to offer. As you can see further down during the construction stage this was highly beneficial.
Immediately below is the very first designs that we came up with on how exactly we wanted our website to be layed out. Although it lacks any aesthetic color plans we wanted to stick to the them of our crisp,bold, black and white color scheme. Each page has each feature clearly labeled as well as some of the content that each of these shall include.
Home Page
The first homepage design seen here includes various feature to make it appeal to our fans. After studying the Arctic Monkeys website which we took a huge amount of inspiration from for our own, we wanted to make the home page very bold and clear so that a user/ fan can clearly see links to each area of the website, and make it easier for them to locate the link that they desire. One of the most important features that we came up with is the countdown clock, which makes it into the first actual construction of the website. We thought that this interactive moving feature would really bring the home screen to life.
As you can see below not all of the original design made it into the first construction of our website. First of all we kept the top menu bar almost exactly the same as can be seen above. We also included the countdown bar in the same location, However we decided after playing around with different ideas to scrap the side pictures and use one of our best posters as the background for the hole website, this picture as seen below is black and white edited so it sets the tone and the encoded theme for the rest of the website. We also decided to add more information to that of just the band and tried to turn it into more of a news feed similar to that of the arctic monkeys which can also be seen below as a comparison.
Arctic Monkeys News feed style home page...
Band Page
The second page of our website is titled the band page. On this page we wanted to give a little bit of background information about the band and there personal life. We did so as we felt that it would give an insight in to there lives and make a personal connection with fans as we are a new fresh group starting out.
As you can see we originally planned a very basic page with info and in depth background on the personal lives of the band. We also wanted to carry over the same menu bar and countdown clock to make this a constant throughout the website.
However we quickly realized during the construction of the website that this would not be enough to fill up the page, therefore to the right of the bold biography box we have added a live link to our instagram page which displays any of the current pictures that the group are uploading. This is also comes with a URL touch link which allows you to jump straight to the instagram website if so desired.
Gallery Page
Next up we have the gallery page which on paper was always going to be the most simple page on the website as we wanted the images to speak for themselves. We have achieved this by keeping the page extremely simple with just the slide show of images in the middle of the page with the same background and menu bar at the top. This as can be seen below was not on the original first draft draw up however we felt that it would be too bare without this. We therefore added these features to fit the theme of the rest of the website whilst also adding more depth to the page.
Here we can see the gallery webpage as it stands after the first construction. It really conveys the crisp structure of the hole 'Encoded brand' as such. We also plan to add many more pictures and images into the gallery than there is as it stands. This will take place after another photo shoot which we have planned in the near future.
UK Tour Page
The next page on our original plan was that advertising our first UK tour to promote our debut album 'Open Spaces' and the first chosen single 'Call me Ishmael'. At the group meeting we discussed this as being one of our crucial pages and that we wanted to make it stand out. We did this by linking the album in with the countdown clock which is present throughout the website counting down to the release date of the album. When asking people there opinion on the website first construction this was one of there favorite features (see website feedback post).
Only a couple of fundamental changes were made from the original plan to the first construction. Once again we added the standard menu bar at the top of the page to accompany the title and countdown. Also we added the video announcing the Tour which is really now the focal point of the page. It also plays automatically when you navigate onto the page so it draws the viewers attention in straight away which is a real benefit, almost acting as an automated advert system. The video can also be found on the home page further down the news feed style area.
Contact Us page
This was the final page that we planned in the original meeting and draft. It consisted of an area by which members of the public could get in direct contact with the band and make us feel a very like able and approachable act. This is important when starting out as a new music act as it helps to gather support quickly, backing this up with our accessibility on social media we believe it will help to kicks start the group on the right foot with the fans,
The original plan was pretty basic on paper but the structure once again coupled with the crisp and professional finish using the wix software help to create another very easy using stylish looking page. The only changes were the adding of the top menu bar and the countdown clock. As you can see below the final style was very effective.
After completing these parts of the website we felt that it was necessary to add some more pages to the website in order to make it complete. After researching some other websites as well as our older research pages we decided that we needed to add a page of information on the album and also a shop/ merchandise area on the site.
Album Page
We decided to insert a page specifically on 'Open Spaces'. We felt that it was such a big part of the project that it needed it's own area specifically on the website for fans to access. As I said earlier we also linked it in with the countdown clock which was an extremely popular feature with some of the early feedback we received. After researching further into album pages on various websites we found that it was a popular feature throughout many artists websites. For example, the Kasabian website which can be seen below, has a page dedicated to all of there albums.
Although we took inspiration from including the album page we did not want to base the design of the page around any of these pages as we wanted to make it completely unique and themed with the rest of the website. This was the following design that we eventually made and came up with. As you can see its sits with our theme, including a picture of the album cover as well as some bold information about the album and its release.
Shop Page
The second and final page we decided to add was our shop and merchandise page. We found that this was an ever present theme throughout every website that we visited. We therefore decided that it was essential to incorporate this into our site. Some examples of inspiration can be seen below as the merch section of size records website and the shop section for kings of leon site.
Once again we wanted to source our own design into the page rather than taking any design inspiration from current sites. The other key factor to consider is that we are going to add plenty more merchandise once produced to the section as the current supply is very minimal and we will certainly be improving this as soon as possible.
Home Page
The first homepage design seen here includes various feature to make it appeal to our fans. After studying the Arctic Monkeys website which we took a huge amount of inspiration from for our own, we wanted to make the home page very bold and clear so that a user/ fan can clearly see links to each area of the website, and make it easier for them to locate the link that they desire. One of the most important features that we came up with is the countdown clock, which makes it into the first actual construction of the website. We thought that this interactive moving feature would really bring the home screen to life.
As you can see below not all of the original design made it into the first construction of our website. First of all we kept the top menu bar almost exactly the same as can be seen above. We also included the countdown bar in the same location, However we decided after playing around with different ideas to scrap the side pictures and use one of our best posters as the background for the hole website, this picture as seen below is black and white edited so it sets the tone and the encoded theme for the rest of the website. We also decided to add more information to that of just the band and tried to turn it into more of a news feed similar to that of the arctic monkeys which can also be seen below as a comparison.
Arctic Monkeys News feed style home page...
Band Page
The second page of our website is titled the band page. On this page we wanted to give a little bit of background information about the band and there personal life. We did so as we felt that it would give an insight in to there lives and make a personal connection with fans as we are a new fresh group starting out.
As you can see we originally planned a very basic page with info and in depth background on the personal lives of the band. We also wanted to carry over the same menu bar and countdown clock to make this a constant throughout the website.
However we quickly realized during the construction of the website that this would not be enough to fill up the page, therefore to the right of the bold biography box we have added a live link to our instagram page which displays any of the current pictures that the group are uploading. This is also comes with a URL touch link which allows you to jump straight to the instagram website if so desired.
Gallery Page
Next up we have the gallery page which on paper was always going to be the most simple page on the website as we wanted the images to speak for themselves. We have achieved this by keeping the page extremely simple with just the slide show of images in the middle of the page with the same background and menu bar at the top. This as can be seen below was not on the original first draft draw up however we felt that it would be too bare without this. We therefore added these features to fit the theme of the rest of the website whilst also adding more depth to the page.
Here we can see the gallery webpage as it stands after the first construction. It really conveys the crisp structure of the hole 'Encoded brand' as such. We also plan to add many more pictures and images into the gallery than there is as it stands. This will take place after another photo shoot which we have planned in the near future.
UK Tour Page
The next page on our original plan was that advertising our first UK tour to promote our debut album 'Open Spaces' and the first chosen single 'Call me Ishmael'. At the group meeting we discussed this as being one of our crucial pages and that we wanted to make it stand out. We did this by linking the album in with the countdown clock which is present throughout the website counting down to the release date of the album. When asking people there opinion on the website first construction this was one of there favorite features (see website feedback post).
Only a couple of fundamental changes were made from the original plan to the first construction. Once again we added the standard menu bar at the top of the page to accompany the title and countdown. Also we added the video announcing the Tour which is really now the focal point of the page. It also plays automatically when you navigate onto the page so it draws the viewers attention in straight away which is a real benefit, almost acting as an automated advert system. The video can also be found on the home page further down the news feed style area.
Contact Us page
This was the final page that we planned in the original meeting and draft. It consisted of an area by which members of the public could get in direct contact with the band and make us feel a very like able and approachable act. This is important when starting out as a new music act as it helps to gather support quickly, backing this up with our accessibility on social media we believe it will help to kicks start the group on the right foot with the fans,
After completing these parts of the website we felt that it was necessary to add some more pages to the website in order to make it complete. After researching some other websites as well as our older research pages we decided that we needed to add a page of information on the album and also a shop/ merchandise area on the site.
Album Page
We decided to insert a page specifically on 'Open Spaces'. We felt that it was such a big part of the project that it needed it's own area specifically on the website for fans to access. As I said earlier we also linked it in with the countdown clock which was an extremely popular feature with some of the early feedback we received. After researching further into album pages on various websites we found that it was a popular feature throughout many artists websites. For example, the Kasabian website which can be seen below, has a page dedicated to all of there albums.
Although we took inspiration from including the album page we did not want to base the design of the page around any of these pages as we wanted to make it completely unique and themed with the rest of the website. This was the following design that we eventually made and came up with. As you can see its sits with our theme, including a picture of the album cover as well as some bold information about the album and its release.
Shop Page
The second and final page we decided to add was our shop and merchandise page. We found that this was an ever present theme throughout every website that we visited. We therefore decided that it was essential to incorporate this into our site. Some examples of inspiration can be seen below as the merch section of size records website and the shop section for kings of leon site.
Once again we wanted to source our own design into the page rather than taking any design inspiration from current sites. The other key factor to consider is that we are going to add plenty more merchandise once produced to the section as the current supply is very minimal and we will certainly be improving this as soon as possible.
Digi Packs
This is the survey that was completed about everyone's digipack. WE all completed a questionnaire about everyone else's Digi Pack. This was very helpful as we received about 20 different opinions about what we have created. After we received our feedback we realised that no one like the font or colour we had use din our digipack. For these reasons we have amended the digipack and the colour scheme will be played.
Digi Pack Review
There's not much I like about this digipak except that
the picture of the band members has been morphed into the clouds, thats really
cool. It is too grey and makes me feel depressed. The text is nice though.
12/2/2014 1:49 PM View
respondent's answers
Encodeds digipack shows continuity in the fact that
they have usefd the same colours constantly throughout. The CD doesnt look
complete its just blank with no design on it. And i think that the same
bacground is maybe a bit to repetitive it could change the pattern
12/2/2014 11:19 AM View
respondent's answers
Very plain with the same background throughout the
whole digipack. Could be improved by adding more pictures of the band.
12/2/2014 10:36 AM View
respondent's answers
WWW: Lyrics page looks professional and Picture page
suits your genre also. EBI: Personally i think you should scrap the text its too
basic. Change having clouds on every page and if you are keeping it change the
white text as its hard to read. Have more photos of artists. Take a better front
cover photo as it you wouldn't be able to see the artist from a distance. Make
an actual CD print. (Best let max do it)
12/1/2014 11:47 PM View
respondent's answers
Encoded's colour scheme is very unified but I think it
needs to be a little darker in terms of the shade of grey used. Also what is up
with the bottom middle digipak? a cd on the horizon?
12/1/2014 3:10 PM View
respondent's answers
The encoded website is is very plain. All the same
colours are used througout all the digipak. The black and white colours do go
well together but not with the text. The text colour clashes with the background
meaning that you cant read it. The image is not the same as eeryone else's and
is editied a lot meaning it is different to everyone else.
12/1/2014 3:09 PM View
respondent's answers
Not actual size and scale of a digipak. Love the
monochromatic colour scheme, perhaps though, the colours are too similar - go
for contrast! Font also seems a tad generic, explore into other fonts that can
present Encoded how you want them to be received.
12/1/2014 2:58 PM View
respondent's answers
I like that there is a clear theme throughout. The same
text and colours have been used which makes it look really slick and
professional. the disc could have been more interesting as it is very place -
possibly add the artist name and album name?
12/1/2014 1:54 PM View
respondent's answers
This digipak is very good but some parts are hard to
read as the colours are too similar. More colour may help to catch the customers
eye. There is a lot of good synergy and also the images used are of a good
12/1/2014 12:34 PM View
respondent's answers
Although i like their digipack i feel they could use a
better font. The digipack is quite plain and simple so having an interesting
font would help.
12/1/2014 12:26 PM View
respondent's answers
I feel all the writing should be black as some of the
white writing gets lost on the background.
12/1/2014 12:13 PM View
respondent's answers
i like how they've kept a monochrome theme Make the
writing slightly bigger
12/1/2014 11:48 AM View
respondent's answers
Text blends with the background too much Not a lot
there, dull Guessing the genre is easy
12/1/2014 11:46 AM View
respondent's answers
Cool and creative front cover Could do with more
variety in image
11/30/2014 8:50 PM View
respondent's answers
it fits together very well as all of the backgrounds
are the same. i love the black and white colour scheme and cloudy/marbled
effect. however some of the white text is lost within the white parts of the
background and the cd is quite boring in a plain silver.
11/30/2014 1:56 PM View
respondent's answers
I like the misty black, grey and white background.
Improvements: it is so simple, the font is simple, the pictures are simple. Make
it a bit more memorable?
11/30/2014 12:38
PM View
This is all the the feedback from the Digi pack survey monkey. The main problem people had with our digi pack is the font and the color of the text on some pages. We are planning to take this on board and are going to change the aspects of the Digi pack that were least liked.
These are all the question that people were asked to answer about all of the Digi packs in the group. The feedback we have received is all very helpful. The most helpful are the constructive criticism that we have received. There were many features that alot of people did not like and these are things that definitely need to be changed.
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