Encoded Final Draft

Music video Research

The video stars with the room being dark and black. AS the room gets lighter we then start to see Annie lennox. She has short hair and is wearing a suit. Also we see a medium shot of her standing at the end of business suite with a large picture of the globe behind her. This all adds up to make her seem very powerful. This could also be seen that she is trying to be a man. Her red hair Really adds to the feeling that she is very powerful in this video. The red hair makes me think of fury and power. Annie Lennox is also commanding a man in the video and this is like a counter stereotype.
The beat of the video is also a powerful, constant and enticing beat. The effect of thought beats are used in the video. For example things re put down on table or words are type in time to the beat.
The camera work is harsh, unmoving and always changes shot and location in time to the beat of the song. This gives the feeling that the video is more random than it seems and maybe this is someone imagination. Also sometime some of the people in the video seem hypnotised and are focuses on Annie lennox.
We also see lots of aspects of concept videos in this music video. For example there is one section when Annie Lennox and the man in the video are laying on the table in the office. This would be strange enough and then a cow walks through the background. This has no relevance to the lyrics and is possible expressionism. People from the video have said that the video is about life as it is, and living life as it Com's. This is hard for me to see personal as none of the scenes portray normal life.
When we see the the performers out in the field they are spinning around playing chellos. This may symbolises there lives spiralling out of controlling, although the setting of the green Fields does suggest otherwise. The tranquillity of the green field counteracts against  the spirally (crazy looking) man playing the chello.
Mis En scene in this clip is used to empower Annie Lennox. For example in one scene Annie lennox is siting legs crossed with rows of records behind her. Her achievement is shown off and also it shows her as if her life in order.

This video is showing us Voyerism. In the video we are shown lots of shots of women. Often these shots only show partially parts of breats or bottoms in a sexually way. Also the women are shown to not know that you are looking at her because she is looking away from the camera. As the viewer we are forces to look at this. This is an example of the Male gaze.

This Video is a good example of exhibitionism.
This video is a story of lesbian relationship.
This is a video which conains female gaze.